
For a sheet that reads “Buy Bitcoins,” they’re prepared to shell out $330,000.

A sheet that read “Buy Bitcoins” was offered to Christian Langalis for the exorbitant amount of $330,000, according to his report.

In 2017, while US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen was speaking, Langalis displayed a notepad. Christian, a 22-year-old student at the Cato Institute, had Bitcoin in his possession at the time. After appearing on TV, Langalis was dubbed the “Bitcoin Sign Guy” and seven bitcoins—equivalent to $464,513.13 at the current exchange rate—were transferred to his cryptocurrency wallet.

A sheet bearing the inscription “Buy Bitcoins” is displayed by Langalis.

Christian made 16.8 BTC four years ago from the sale of 21 copies of the notable sheet, with an average price of 0.8 BTC. Langalis turned down an offer of five bitcoins—approximately $330,000 at the time—in exchange for the original sign a few weeks ago.

But Criastian was interested in making money off of a piece of historical artifact that he had personally made, so he decided to sell it at auction. The highest-betder will take home a notepad containing Langalis’s notes and a bitcoin buying appeal on a pasted-in sheet. On April 24th, at New York City’s Pubkey, the auction winner will be announced.

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