
Potential security flaws in WordPress plugins could result in the theft of cryptocurrency.

Experts at SlowMist are on edge because hackers are using WordPress plugin security holes to launch virtual assaults on reliable websites, specialized blogs, and the personal resources of people who own digital assets. Injecting malicious JavaScript code into compromised Internet resources is one way to exploit plugin vulnerabilities and launch attacks on victims’ cryptocurrency wallets.

Consequently, malicious pop-ups may trick users into executing code and authorizing Web3 wallet signatures if they visit an infected website. Crypto assets could be stolen as a result of this.

Web administrators should update their WordPress plugins and perform a comprehensive vulnerability assessment, according to SlowMist experts. Additionally, people who own digital assets should exercise caution when using the internet; for example, they should not download programs from unknown sources and should not fall for promises of enormous profits.

Experts from SlowMist previously revealed that multiple attackers are responsible for leaving comments under cryptocurrency project accounts’ publications on social network X, amounting to approximately 80% of the total.

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